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Traumatic Brain Injuries

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is one of the most difficult types of injuries to treat after an accident.  Traumatic brain injury can range from mild to severe.  Traumatic brain injury from a car accidenttruck accident, ormotorcycle accident usually occurs after a blow to the head.  Impact from a vehicle’s windshield or a fall from a construction accident or motorcycle accident often causes brain injuries such as TBI.  If you have suffered a head injury, you must get yourself to a hospital for monitoring as soon as possible.  After a car accident, a head injury victim can show many different signs of TBI such as loss of consciousness, dizziness, headaches, and blurry vision.

Traumatic brain injuries have killed many. Traumatic brain injuries have left permanent injuries for hundreds of thousands. Learn about TBI so that you can recover fair compensation for your brain injury.

The hospital emergency room physicians will often send a head injury patient for x-rays and a CAT scan of the head.  The x-ray test will check for broken bones in the skull and the CAT scan will produce an image of the brain and skull to determine if there is any bleeding or swelling of the brain. The emergency room doctors will then monitor the head injury patient for several days.  Brain bleeding (hematoma) or pressure inside the skull against the brain can cause instant death. 

Oftentimes brain injuries such as TBI will not show up on diagnostic medical testing such as CAT scans and MRIs. Head injury victims can suffer continued headaches, loss of concentration, memory problems, and other cognitive problems.  The brain does not heal and recover in the same way as other body parts.  The brain controls every function of the human body.  Science has come a long way in treating TBI and head injury patients. The most severe types of brain injury include coma, paralysis, and paraplegia.  

Traumatic brain injuries are often the most difficult types of personal injuries to prove in court.  This is because TBI cannot always be seen on diagnostic medical testing.  An experienced Bucks County TBI lawyer will have his or her clients with brain injuries monitored by the most skilled Pennsylvania TBI doctors. Vigorous mental and cognitive testing should be administered by neurologists and neuropsychologists to determine the long term effects of the traumatic injuries.   Traumatic brain injury victims also undergo EEG tests to measure the electrical signals of the brain.

Rehabilitation and treatment of TBI includes physical therapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy, cognitive therapy, and other forms of psychological treatment. TBI is a serious and often deadly injury. Proper emergency treatment and ongoing rehabilitation may continue for years.  A traumatic brain injury victim should team up with a lawyer who has experience representing head injury victims. A TBI attorney must know how to prove to an insurance company or jury that his or her client is suffering from the sometimes invisible effects of traumatic brain injury.  If you have further questions about a Mercer County, Bucks County, or Philadelphia traumatic brain injury as a result of a serious accident contact us for an informative consultation.

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